Day Training

Pet parents don’t typically bring a new dog home to become dog trainers! That’s where we come in! Whether you don’t have time in your busy schedule for training or just don’t have the desire to do, we are here to help!

With over 80+ 5 STAR reviews on Google - What are you waiting for?

“We are so impressed with everything that we learned in our puppy class. Our pup has become a very well behaved young man with lots of tricks to show his training.” - Andrea M.

What is ‘day training’?

Our day training program is the ideal solution for busy dog owners. It offers your dog a full day of proper socialization & learning various fundamental skills all while ensuring they receive consistent and professional training, even when your schedule is packed!

What does day training include?

  • Weekly Daycare

    • To join our day training program we require all pups to attend daycare at least twice a week for a minimum of 10 daycare days.

  • Daily Training

    • While at daycare, we will work with your dog one-on-one during multiple training session throughout the day. Our focus will be on the basic fundamentals skills you need to have a happy life with your dog.

  • Update Sessions For Pet Parents

    • It does no good for your dog to listen wonderfully for us, they need to do so for you as well! That’s why we require all pawrents to attend an update session every 2 to 3 weeks so that we can teach you to maintain the skills your dog has learned!

Day Training Costs

10 Day Training Days - $900

  • 10 Daycare day training days

  • 3 Pet parent update sessions

15 Day Training Days - $1250

  • 15 Daycare day training days

  • 3 Pet parent update sessions

20 Day Training Days - $1500

  • 20 Daycare day training days

  • 4 Pet parent update sessions

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Availability Calendar

Get an idea of our availability & how far in advance we are booking! If the dates you are looking for are booked, please join our waitlist and we will contact you in the event of any cancellations. Our waitlist can be found - HERE!