Canine Basics

Class Details

  • 6 - 60min group classes

  • Dog must be over 17 weeks old to enter this class

  • Only 3 dogs per class

  • 2 handlers max per dog

  • Classes are held at the Terra Nova Canines training center in Surrey

Start Dates:

  • Oct 19 @ 11:30am (2 Spots Left!)

6 sessions: $285 - ON SALE $228

What You’ll Learn

  • Foundational Skills like: ‘sit’, ‘down’, ‘leave it’, ‘drop’, recall, leash walking & more!

  • Fun games you can play at home to reinforce the skills you have learned in class

  • Dog body language and proper socialization

  • How to teach your dog other skills

  • Easy ways to keep your training consistent


  • Canine Basics IS NOT appropriate for those looking to work on individual behavioural issues. In Canine Basics we learn foundational skills and other important everyday tools to help our dogs succeed. If you would like to work on specific issues, please reach out for private sessions.

  • If you are the ONLY student signed up for a class, we will seek to move you to another start day/time with other students that works for you.

  • While we love each and every pup, group classes can be quite a challenge for reactive dogs. Reactivity can include fear, aggression, or over-excitement. If you feel your dog might be reactive, please reach out to us to discuss options.

Check Out What Our Students Have To Say!